
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Company X'mas Party

On our way to the party / luncheon.
Left: Anthony, Mark and Bill walking from the parking garage onto Church St.
Right: Bill. Yeah, stick that tongue out.

The group at the restaurant.
Mike, Ryan, Anthony, Lisa, Michael, Darcy (Mark, Bill and I are hidden).

Left: Michael trying to clean up his pants. He spilled marinara sauce on his pants as soon as he sat down. You can see some of the red stains on the carpet.
Right: Another picture of the group from the other side.

Left: Bill opening his present from Darcy. Me, being King Dhaliwal!
Right: Darcy and Mark. She's trying to stick some horns on him but he looks goofy with or without them! :)

Left: Ahhh....nice shot of myself!
Right: Ryan and Anthony. "No cameras, please!!"

Left: Mark, trying to figure out if he looks better with or without his glasses. Like I said before, he looks goofy which ever way he tries!
Right: Bill, with his hot Latin pose.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Hey Dude, these are great pictures. I wish I could've been at the party. I miss the crew.