I found these shoes when I was stopped at the traffic light at the corner of Pearl Street and So. Prospect Ave. If you are missing a shoe, you know where to find it!
Mark needed about 12 feet of tubing to protect keyboard and mouse cables located in proximity stations at work. He requested for some to be ordered but what he ended up receiving is 3200 feet of tubing. He had the shock look on his face! Priceless!
One of my Gmail accounts has 17,070 spam emails. This is accurate up to 10:30AM EST on March 26, 2006. I receive over 300 spam emails everyday!
I found this very interesting website called the Blue Ball Machine. Can you keep track of the blue ball(s)?
I took my kids out today to watch the movie, Aquamarine. It's a story of a mermaid who befriends two close friends in search of true love! I wasn't the only Daddy at the theatre, so give me a break. The kids loved it and that's all that matters. Honestly, the movie wasn't all that bad, and I actually enjoyed watching it with my kids.
This is what one of our work fridges looks like. Keep in mind that there are around nine of us who use this 2.5 cubic foot fridge to store our lunches.Left: The fridge is filled with beverages and yogurts.Right: My various hot-sauces on the second shelve. I'm a hot-sauce addict and I consume it everyday on any food, except cereal. I often take my hot-sauce bottle(s) to the cafeteria, luncheons, dinners at friends, and restaurants. I find the food too blend and need to spice it up. I looooove it!
My co-worker Bill recently melted (accidentally) his keyboard. He placed the keyboard directly under a desk lamp to make room on his desk to work on a user's laptop. It didn't take him very long to figure out where the burnt plastic stench was coming from. Since, I always have my camera on hand, I had to take these pictures. We all had a good laugh.Technical advice to all: Do not place keyboard near lamp or heat source! Duh!!
These are my stash of water bottles at work. I usually get about three cases (35 bottles per case) at a time from Costco, so this is a very recent restock.